Monday, September 26, 2011

Butterfinger Cake

You know BTS cake, or Family Night Cake, or Better Than Anything Cake, etc. (Basically whatever your family wants to call it)? I'd actually never heard of it until college and never made it until this year. But that's a whole other story entirely...

This cake is kind of like that.

But different.

But the same.

I found it on pinterest... because that's what I do: find amazing things on pinterest.
I thought this cake was better than it's chocolate counterpart. Husband thought it was fantastic but still prefers the original.
We made this tonight for Family Night and everyone got to help, and in my book, that's a "winner-winner-butterfinger-cake-dinner"

1 yellow cake mix (plus the ingredients needed to make it as per the instructions on the back of the box)
1 bottle caramel sauce
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 tub Cool Whip
3 Butterfinger candy bars, crushed

Have one of your children, along with the help of his father, make the yellow cake just like it says on the back of the box.
When the cake comes out of the oven have another child (or yourself) poke a bazillion holes all over the hot cake (use something bigger than a fork, like chopsticks, the round end of a wooden spoon, or one of those big meat pitchforks)
While the cake is still warm pour your caramel and sweetened condensed milk all over it. (I only use half of each but I know the majority of people who make this use the whole container of each)
You can let the cake cool at this point before "frosting" it with the cool whip but we just let the girl frost it warm because we could.
Have your used to be youngest goes bezurk on the candy bars until the are nice and crumbly, and then dump them all over the top of the cake.
Then have your little brother (who is visiting for a month and making everybody ridiculously happy) be the taste tester. (He's company so he got the bestest job)

I know people conventionally eat this kind of cake after it has cooled down, but I have to say, eating this while it was still warm was truly fantastic. There is something special about warm cake. It makes my heart happy.

By the way, here's a little bit of "my kid's are so dang cute!" goodness:

My used to be youngest took one bite of this and said:
"This is absolutely my yummiest thing EVER!"
I love him, and he loves this cake.

He is not even my foodie child (the one that makes a point to comment on the status of every meal) so this must have made some impression on him.

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